More Women To Be Capped At MUT’s Women’s Month Graduation

Women are once again leading the pack of those graduating at this year’s Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) graduation, further cementing the university’s position as a leader in empowering the underprivileged and previously disadvantaged individuals through education.

A total of 1608 female and 1151 male graduands will be capped at Mangosuthu University of Technology MUT’s graduation, which will be held during Women’s Month (8-13 August 2023), at the University’s iconic Pixley ka Isaka Seme Hall in Umlazi Township.

Commenting on this year’s results, Acting Vice-Chancellor & Principal of MUT, Professor Marcus Ramogale, said he was excited at the number of female graduands that the university was producing.

“MUT has always believed that education has to transform the lives of all in society. It is encouraging to see that women are graduating in their numbers. I am sure that these graduates will take what they have learnt and plough back to their communities. To borrow from the African proverb, if you educate a woman, you educate a nation,” said Professor Ramogale.

The theme of women leading also cuts through the three faculties where 990 women will graduate from the Faculty of Management Sciences compared to 453 males, and 308 women will graduate with qualifications in the Faculty of Natural Sciences compared to 204 men.

The Faculty of Engineering remains the only faculty where men lead the numbers with 494 compared to 310 women. The statistics in the Faculty of Engineering are similar to those of 2021.

This is the second year in a row that more females are graduating at MUT than their male counterparts. Having the graduation ceremonies in Women’s Month is also meant to honour women.

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“Our University was founded to provide, excellent and technical education to marginalized the black people at the time of its founding; we are honoured to see that we continue to empower disadvantaged groups through education,” said Dr. Phumzile Masala, MUT Registrar.

The 2023 graduation comes at the back of two years without face-to-face graduation at the University due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This year’s ceremony will also see MUT introduce its new academic attire which is aligned with its new Corporate Identity.

“Our students waited for two years for face-to-face graduation; the new attire makes this year’s graduation is extra special. The feedback from staff, students, and the alumni community have been overwhelming,” said Mkhize.

Mkhize added that it was humbling to see such positive responses from students who are the end-users. The new academic attire has been welcomed by thousands, as shown by responses on social media posts.

“That we get to launch the new academic attire during Women’s Month where more women will be graduating than their male counterparts is the cherry on top,” said Mkhize.


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