2023 School Admission Applications Now Underway

School admission processes for the 2023 academic year are currently underway. Parents and guardians are therefore encouraged to apply as soon as possible to ensure placement for their child.

Elijah Mhlanga, the Basic Education Department’s spokesperson, advises that parents and guardians of children who are starting Grade 1 or Grade 8 next year apply to their respective provincial education departments. This applies to admission to public primary and high schools only.

Those who are hoping to enroll their children in Grade 2-7 and Grade 9-11 are encouraged to apply directly to their schools of choice. All parents are advised to apply to at least three to five schools.

The online applications will require all documents to be submitted to all schools within 7 days after applying. Parents will also upload documents on the system to one school for other schools to view.

For those applying to schools in Gauteng, the department has opened decentralized walk-in centers to assist individuals with online applications for Grade 1 and Grade 8. The centers are open from 08:00 till 16:00.

Those applying online will receive placement offers from 3 October to 30 November 2023. Placement offers will be sent to the parent’s cellphone numbers.

When applying for admission to schools, parents will need to have the following documents with them:

  • Birth certificate or acceptable proof of birth date (do not take a baptismal certificate as proof);
  • Immunization card;
  • Transfer card and/or
  • Last report card

Those who are not South African citizens, will need to also submit the following documents:

  • Study/work permit;
  • Temporary or permanent residence permit from the South African Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and
  • Evidence that you have applied for permission to stay in South Africa.


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