Take A Look At The 2024 School Calendar

The 2023 school year may be well on its way to its final quarter but the basic education department has opted to release its other annual school calendar well in advance. Here’s a look at how the 2024 school year has been scheduled.

The Department of Basic Education has recently announced the release of its 2024 school calendar. Only public schools across the nation are covered under this school calendar.

I, Angelina Matsie Motshekga, Minister of Basic Education, acting in terms of section 3(4)(k) of the National Education Policy Act, 1996, (Act No. 27 of 1996), and after consultation with the Council of Education Ministers, hereby publish the 2024 School Calendar for public schools in South Africa as detailed in the accompanying schedule.

For the 2024 school year, Coastal Cluster schools and Inland schools will both have 199 instructional days spread over 43 weeks.

Schools in the Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North West are classified as schools that cover the inland regions of the country. The Eastern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal, Northern Cape, and Western Cape are all part of the Coastal Cluster of schools in the nation.

Term dates for Inland schools:

  • First Term 12 January – 17 March
  • Second Term 5 April – 24 June
  • Third Term 19 July – 30 September
  • Fourth Term 11 October – 14 December

Term dates for Coastal Cluster schools:

  • First Term 19 January – 25 March
  • Second Term 5 April – 24 June
  • Third Term 19 July – 30 September
  • Fourth Term 11 October – 14 December
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Consequently, all schools’ academic years will conclude on 14 December.

Read more: Department Releases Proposed School Calendar For 2024
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