Ithala Banking Services: Learnerships programme 2023

Ithala Banking Services: Learnership Programme 2023/How to apply!

Ithala Banking Services Advice Learnership is a programme that aims to help unemployed South African matriculants to gain employment experience in the financial services industry. This learnership is a 12-month programme providing professional exposure to different roles within Ithala branches and head office departments.


  • Applicants must be between the ages of 18 to 30 years’ old
  • Have successfully completed their Grade 12
  • Grade 12 certificate must contain a pass mark in Mathematics/Maths Literacy and Accounting
  • An average of 60% in your final National Senior Certificate (Grade 12)
  • Basic Computer literacy
  • Speaking, reading, and writing English skills
  • Not permanently employed
  • Not studying at any other institution
  • Not registered on any other learnership
  • Applicants must not have obtained any other tertiary qualification

Successful candidates will be selected based on specific requirements and will sign a 12-month fixed-term employment and learnership contract. The learnership recipients will be given a learner allowance of R2 500 per month for the duration of their programme. Upon successful completion of the learnership programme, candidates will receive an accredited National Certificate in Banking Services Advice (NQF level 5).

How to Apply

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