In “The Bloom Boys,” produced by Linar & Shrewd Films, Timini Egbuson, Bolanle Ninalowo, Shaffy Bello, and Tina Mba star.

Stylish stars like Timini Egbuson, Bolanle Ninalowo, Shaffy Bello, Fehintola Olukotun, Mc Lively, and Tobi Bakre have finally released the first look teaser for The Bloom Boys as we eagerly await the film’s release on April 28.

Ishaq Ilyas of Linar & Shrewd Films has described the teaser as “a tip of the iceberg” he further goes on to add “ We want to keep telling stories that are relatable and from the teaser, everyone should expect a buildup of fast-paced moments full of tensions”

Following the conclusion of the post-production in mid-2022, The movie has continued to gain buzz and is visibly notable within Nollywood and amongst movie lovers in the past few weeks.

A commendable effort from the producer of The Bloom Boys is the music score, creating a good movie requires all expertise and technical know-how with an emphasis on sound design. The bloom boys trailer has nothing left out, the trailer sound has a thrilling suspense that tends to get you emotionally attached to your screen, the music composition is really enjoyable and we hope to see more in the movie.

“It’s safe to say The Bloom Boys is not just a movie but a movement as we have seen our social channel continue to enjoy tremendous growth from Nolly and movie lovers, we really want to thank them for their support so far and the movie, I don’t really want to give much away but The Bloom Boys is a story that addresses social family issues. The genre cut across glamour, drama, comedy, and thrilling” says Ifedayo Crude of Linear and Shrewd Films.

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All hopes are high as we expect a stellar performance in the movie theatre from Tina Mba, Ninalowo, Timini, Tobi Bakre, Gbenga Titiloye, Segun Arinze, Cute Abiola & Mc Lively.

The movie is directed by Xela and distributed by Genesis Pictures.

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