ICESA City Campus Bursaries Application 2024/2025 | NSFAS

Application for the ICESA City Campus Bursaries 2024/2025, is accessible to all students in South Africa at, Here are the steps to Apply for the ICESA City Campus bursary 2024, NSFAS financial support, funding, bursary application forms, Application Process, Eligibility, Requirements, and studentĀ loan application guide for 2024 academic year.

What is a Bursary?

A bursary is a financial award or scholarship that is given to students or individuals who demonstrate financial need or academic merit. Bursaries are typically provided by universities, colleges, private organizations, government agencies, and charitable foundations to help individuals cover the costs of tuition, fees, textbooks, and other expenses related to their education or training.

Unlike a loan, bursaries do not need to be repaid, which makes them an attractive option for students who may not have the means to pay for their education out of pocket. Bursaries may be awarded based on various criteria, including financial need, academic achievement, leadership potential, community involvement, and other factors.

ICESA City Campus Bursaries 2024 ā€“ NSFAS Financial Support.

TheĀ ICESA City CampusĀ nowĀ providesĀ financialĀ aidĀ orĀ supportĀ toĀ studentsĀ whoĀ are academically incapableĀ andĀ haveĀ financialĀ needs.

StudentsĀ whoĀ areĀ interestedĀ inĀ participatingĀ inĀ undergraduate,Ā postgraduate,Ā diploma, andĀ certificateĀ programsĀ mustĀ submitĀ anĀ annualĀ applicationĀ forĀ financialĀ helpĀ andĀ grants.

TheĀ NationalĀ StudentĀ FinancialĀ Help SchemeĀ (NSFAS),Ā whichĀ providesĀ funding forĀ suchĀ financialĀ help,Ā conductsĀ aĀ meansĀ testĀ toĀ determineĀ theĀ amountĀ ofĀ anyĀ grant.

YouĀ mayĀ findĀ detailedĀ informationĀ regardingĀ studentĀ bursaries,Ā funding, bursary applicationĀ forms,Ā bursaryĀ requirements,Ā tuitionĀ costs,Ā andĀ loanĀ applicationĀ guidesĀ onĀ theĀ ICESA City CampusĀ websiteĀ 2024,Ā whichĀ wasĀ publishedĀ onĀ

SEE ALSO  MegChem Bursary Application 2024 | How to Apply

RECOMMENDED:Ā Download Application Form 2024 PDF

How to Apply For ICESA City Campus Bursaries

It is important for students to apply forĀ bursaries, scholarships, and or loans before the closing date. PriorĀ toĀ enrollingĀ atĀ ICESA City Campus,Ā studentsĀ areĀ advisedĀ toĀ makeĀ plansĀ forĀ theirĀ academicĀ careersĀ asĀ soonĀ asĀ aĀ studentĀ hasĀ registeredĀ withĀ theĀ school.Ā ItĀ isĀ advisedĀ toĀ regularlyĀ checkĀ one’sĀ emailsĀ forĀ informationĀ regardingĀ newlyĀ promotedĀ bursaries.

ApplyingĀ forĀ aĀ loan,Ā bursary,Ā orĀ scholarshipĀ doesĀ notĀ ensureĀ youĀ willĀ receiveĀ oneĀ because there areĀ farĀ moreĀ applicantsĀ thanĀ thereĀ is moneyĀ for. Make sure to make a thorough plan forĀ yourĀ finances.

ApplicationsĀ thatĀ areĀ submittedĀ afterĀ theĀ deadlineĀ orĀ thatĀ areĀ notĀ completeĀ willĀ notĀ beĀ accepted. TheĀ applicationĀ formĀ callsĀ forĀ studentsĀ toĀ attachĀ allĀ theĀ requiredĀ paperwork.

TO APPLY; please consult with the Financial Aid/ Bursary office for further assistance. BeforeĀ registering,Ā aĀ studentĀ whoĀ hasĀ receivedĀ aĀ bursaryĀ fromĀ anĀ outsideĀ organizationĀ mustĀ bringĀ aĀ copyĀ ofĀ theĀ awardĀ letterĀ toĀ theĀ financialĀ aid/bursaryĀ office.

TheĀ organizationĀ providingĀ theĀ bursaryĀ advisesĀ applicantsĀ toĀ sendĀ theirĀ applicationsĀ directly toĀ them.

For Full Details, visit the official website >> Ā ORĀ Financial Aid Office.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)Ā Bursary Applications 2024.

TheĀ officialĀ NSFASĀ WebsiteĀ hasĀ informationĀ onĀ theĀ NSFAS andĀ applicationĀ forms.

TheĀ applicationĀ formsĀ mustĀ beĀ accompaniedĀ byĀ allĀ requiredĀ supportingĀ documentation, suchĀ asĀ theĀ student’sĀ orĀ applicant’sĀ certifiedĀ IDĀ copy,Ā bothĀ parents’Ā certifiedĀ IDĀ copiesĀ (or,Ā inĀ theĀ caseĀ ofĀ aĀ deceasedĀ parentĀ orĀ parents,Ā aĀ certifiedĀ deathĀ certificate),Ā bothĀ parents’Ā incomeĀ statementsĀ orĀ payslipsĀ (or,Ā inĀ theĀ caseĀ ofĀ aĀ parentĀ whoĀ isĀ notĀ employed,Ā anĀ affidavitĀ statingĀ thatĀ theyĀ areĀ notĀ employed),Ā proofĀ thatĀ theĀ parentĀ isĀ receivingĀ aĀ grant,Ā and,Ā ifĀ theĀ applicantĀ hasĀ siblings,Ā theirĀ certified YouĀ mustĀ carryĀ bothĀ theĀ originalĀ documentsĀ andĀ duplicatesĀ toĀ theĀ localĀ postĀ officeĀ orĀ nearestĀ policeĀ stationĀ toĀ getĀ theĀ stamp.

SEE ALSO  Health and Fitness Professionals Academy (HFPA) Bursaries Application 2024/2025 | NSFAS

OriginalĀ paperworkĀ cannotĀ beĀ accepted. The student is in charge of making sure the application form is accurately andĀ completelyĀ filledĀ out.Ā 

TheĀ studentĀ willĀ obtainĀ aĀ receiptĀ afterĀ submittingĀ theĀ NSFASĀ applicationĀ form.Ā ThisĀ receiptĀ shouldĀ beĀ preservedĀ asĀ proofĀ ofĀ application;Ā otherwise,Ā itĀ willĀ beĀ yourĀ wordĀ againstĀ ours. PleaseĀ handĀ yourĀ slipĀ toĀ theĀ FinancialĀ Aid/BursaryĀ OfficeĀ atĀ allĀ times.

Only after submitting to the financial aid office a letter from the institution stating that the student has been admitted or provisionally accepted for the 2024 academic year will first-year students be provided an application form for financial assistance.

Only in the third term, after all, bursaries have been granted and disbursed into the student’s account, will the value of the NSFAS award be applied to the student’s fee account. In order to guarantee the lowest interest rates feasible, this is done.

Before any payment is made, students receiving NSFAS loans must submit an application form and a loan agreement.

The allocation received from NSFAS is limited and hence the Financial Aid Committee of the ICESA City Campus, which gives financial aid awards, must ensure that as many students are supported as possible while at the same time taking into account financial need.

Students are thus warned not to enroll with the expectation of receiving a full loan from NSFAS and that they may be forced to make a family contribution as decided by the Means Test. It’s also crucial to remember that NSFAS offers a variety of financing opportunities every year.

SEE ALSO  IIE MSA Bursaries Application 2024/2025 | NSFAS

The National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), a government loan program with the extra incentive of a bursary conversion (up to 40%) based on academic success, is open to all students who wish to apply for a loan. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is determined by the government’s National Means Test, is the parent or family contribution toward the cost of the student’s education.

  • Prospective Students who wish to study at the College through NSFAS Bursary must APPLY ONLINE atĀ
  • Manual NSFAS applications will be facilitated but students must apply directly to NSFAS online!
  • To enquire more about bursaries, contact/visit Student Support Offices at the Campuses

Important information

1. Online applicantsĀ areĀ notĀ permittedĀ toĀ submitĀ aĀ paperĀ applicationĀ later.

2 Please be aware that until you have formally enrolled, receiving a student number (also known as a reference number) does not mean that you are a student.

3. Please beĀ awareĀ thatĀ youĀ mustĀ visitĀ theĀ schoolĀ toĀ takeĀ theĀ CAPĀ Test.

Ā 4. StudentsĀ learnĀ aboutĀ severalĀ jobĀ opportunitiesĀ andĀ receiveĀ informationĀ fromĀ theĀ test.

5. It alsoĀ evaluatesĀ theĀ student’sĀ individualĀ interestĀ inĀ theĀ severalĀ availableĀ occupations.

6. Applications thatĀ aren’tĀ comprehensiveĀ mayĀ delayĀ yourĀ application’sĀ finalization.

7. TheĀ continuationĀ ofĀ aĀ programĀ dependsĀ on the enrollment of a sufficient number of participants.

8. To apply to the college, the candidate must have a working email account and mobile numberĀ 

9. Email and/orĀ SMSĀ willĀ beĀ usedĀ forĀ anyĀ communicationsĀ pertainingĀ toĀ yourĀ application. attainingĀ theĀ minimal

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