Feenix Helps University Students Settle Historic Debt

Feenix in partnership with a corporate donor has donated more than R1.1 million to help students at Sol Plaatje University pay off their debt and access the job market.

Feenix is a public benefit crowdfunding organization which provides students with a platform on which they can communicate with funders who are able to financially support their studies.

They have recently raised more than R1.1 million to settle the historic debt of fifteen students at Sol Plaatje University (SPU) so that they may receive their degrees.

Feenix was able to do this through a large donation which was made by a corporate donor that wishes to remain anonymous.

The donor listed SPU on its preferred list of universities that should receive the donation and specified that it was important to them that as many institutions as possible received wealth and financial assistance.

The donor did not only want donations to be focused on larger universities.

“Despite the student debt crisis continuing to be a point of major concern, it is encouraging to see the possibilities that have been unlocked for students and universities as a result of this generous donation,” said Cara-Jean Petersen, Feenix Student Advancement Manager.

She said that the organization received responses from their university partners who shared the impact of the programme for their institutions and on their students.

SPU’s Mr. Qondakele Sompondo, Director of Institutional Advancement thanked Feenix saying:

SPU thanks Feenix and the corporate donor for financial assistance that will change not only the affected students’ lives, but the lives of those that these graduates will go on to serve and empower in turn,

Sompondo says he looks forward to a “sustained and fruitful partnership” which will benefit all the partners as well as the students and the broader society.

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