False Bay College

False Bay College aims to be the leading TVET College in the country. Their mission is to empower their students to become assets to society and have lifelong access to education. They offer various courses as well as E-Learning, Funded Programmes, and Learnerships. False Bay College assists their students with applying for financial aid and they provide Open Learning Centres for their students to use.

Scroll down, below you’ll find the False Bay College online application.

Qualifications offered

False Bay College Courses:

  • Business Studies
  • Engineering Studies
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Information Technology
  • Education Studies
  • Yacht and Boat Building Academy
  • Safety in Security
  • 2D Animation

Courses are categorized by campus. Consult the website for more information via the link on this page.

False Bay College part-time courses are also available.

Distance Learning Programmes:

  • Business Studies
  • Engineering Studies

Consult the website for more information regarding Distance Learning Programmes.

Part-Time Programmes:

  • National Certificate N4 – N6
  • Occupational Programmes

Consult the website for more information regarding Part-Time Programmes.

False Bay College Course Fees:

Consult the website for information regarding fees. Click on Courses then click on Programme Fees.


  • Fish Hoek Campus
  • Mitchell’s Plain Campus
  • Khayelitsha Campus
  • Muizenberg Campus
  • Westlake Campus
  • Swartkilp Campus
  • Distance Learning Campus


Application forms may be collected from any of the campuses listed above or downloaded from the website. You will also be able to do your False Bay College status check through the website using your False Bay College login.

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Delivery Method
Type of education institution
TVET College
Qualification Types
FET Certificate


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